S K Somaiya College of Arts, Science and Commerce
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Examination related points for students’ guidance

(Attention: Following are only guidelines for reference. For detailed circulars visit Mumbai University Website)

  1. Tentative dates of examination and results are mentioned in Academic calendar which is put up on college website. (/media/pdf/ACADEMIC%20CALENDER-2023-24_FOR%20WEB(1).pdf)
  2. All examination related notices, time table and results will be put up on college notice board and college website. (https://sksasc.somaiya.edu/sksasc/updates/EXAM_result)
  3. it is mandatory for every learner to have minimum 50% attendance for each course (subject) & average attendance has to be 75%.


  1. Total two semesters will be there in one academic year. Semester wise exam will be conducted and result will be displayed accordingly.
  2. BA/BCOM students has 100 marks semester end examination. Only FC & SYBCOM-Computer subjects will be of 75 marks theory and 25 marks internal.
  3. Other self-finance courses have 75-25 pattern. i.e. theory 75 marks and internal 25 marks.
  4. B.Sc. (CS) and B.Sc. (IT) courses also has practicals.
  5. Semester-I/ III/ V Class test will be conducted tentatively in August and Semester- II/ IV/ VI in January/ February for the courses having 25 marks internal. Additional class test will be conducted after the regular class test only for those students who are absent in regular class test under the criteria mentioned in circular and guidelines of the university.
  6. Students should submit the project in FC subject wherever mentioned in the syllabus.
  7. Students who fails in internal or not submit the FC project in regular examination, should submit project in next ATKT examination by filling-up the ATKT form.
  8. All the students are automatically promoted from odd semester to even semester irrespective of number of failures in odd semester of that academic year.
  9. ATKT structure:
  • BA, BCOM, BSC-IT, BMS, BMM, BAF, BBI, BFM students can keep maximum two ATKT in each semester I and II of first year to take admission in Semester-III
  • BSC-CS students can keep maximum three ATKT in each semester I and II of first year to take admission in Semester-III
  1. Eligibility to take admission in Semester-V: (http://archive.mu.ac.in/syllabus/ug52.pdf)
  • BA, BCOM, BSC-IT, BMS, BMM, BAF, BBI, BFM students should pass First year (Semester-I and II) in full and can keep maximum two ATKT in Semester-III and IV each of Second year. OR student should pass Second Year (Semester III and IV) in full and can keep maximum two ATKT in Semester-I and II each of First year.
  • BSC-CS students should pass First year (Semester-I and II) in full and can keep maximum three ATKT in Semester-III and IV each of Second year. OR student should pass Second Year (Semester III and IV) in full and can keep maximum three ATKT in Semester-I and II each of First year.
  1. Semester end ATKT examination for I, II, III & IV will be conducted two times (October and March tentatively) during the Academic Year. ATKT forms are online and can be filled by log in at myaccount.somaiya.edu. Every student has SVVNetID and password for myaccount.somaiya.edu. students can fill semester I to IV Internal and External ATKT form in the single form.
  2. Regular students can give Semester-I and III ATKT examination in March of the same academic year. But Second & Forth semester ATKT examination will be conducted in next academic year.
  3. Students participated in NSS, NCC, Sports activities shall be eligible to grace marks in Semester-II, IV, VI only as per the university circular no. UG/112 of 2015. (http://mu.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/O.229-relating-to-the-awrd-of-10-grace-marks..pdf)
  4. Additional semester end examination will be conducted for those students who were absent in regular semester end examination on medical/ NSS/ NCC/ Sports, Cultural Events ground only as per the circular and guidelines of the university. (http://old.mu.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/ug432015.pdf)
  5. Students can apply for photocopy or revaluation of answersheets after the examination. (as per Mumbai University Circulars)
  6. The learner who is found guilty for use of Unfair Means during any examination shall be punished as per the norms in O.5050 as per university circular no. UG/139 of 2001 dated 23rd April 2001.
  7. Mobile phones/ smart watch (any electrical appliance containing transferable data) are strictly not allowed inside examination hall.
  8. university web site for examination purpose:
  9. Mumbai University Circular for CGPA/CGPI to Percentage  Conversion: https://old.mu.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/examresult1572019.pdf
  10. Examination section timings for students inquiry if any click here




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