K J Somaiya College Of Science And Commerce
  • 08 Jul, 2020
    /kjssc-old/connects/events/966/webinar_on_career_opportunities_in_healthcare_industry Webinar on Career opportunities in Healthcare indu.....
  • 07 Jul, 2020
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  • 22 Jun, 2020
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  • 10 Jun, 2020
    /kjssc-old/connects/events/958/stress_management__career_guidance STRESS MANAGEMENT & CAREER GUIDANCE
  • 16 May, 2020
    /kjssc-old/connects/events/956/online_workshop_on_chemical_lab_safety_and_fire_extinguishing_operation Online Workshop on Chemical Lab Safety and Fire Ex.....
  • 28 Feb, 2020
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  • 26 Feb, 2020
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  • 18 Feb, 2020
    /kjssc-old/connects/events/953/stereochemistry STEREOCHEMISTRY
  • 10 Feb, 2020
    /kjssc-old/connects/events/949/learn_from_stalwarts_2020 Learn from Stalwarts 2020
  • 10 Dec, 2019
    /kjssc-old/connects/events/935/zorilla_--_dept_of_zoology Zorilla -- Dept. of Zoology
  • 06 Dec, 2019
    /kjssc-old/connects/events/931/government_of_maharashtra-casi_model_united_nations Government of Maharashtra-CASI Model United Nation.....
  • 30 Nov, 2019
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  • 29 Nov, 2019
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  • 24 Nov, 2019
    /kjssc-old/connects/events/940/practical_practice_session_for_homi_bhabha_bal_vaidyaniks Practical Practice Session for Homi Bhabha Bal Vai.....
  • 08 Jul, 2019
    /kjssc-old/connects/events/899/kjssc_-_induction_program_for_fybsc_and_fybcom_students KJSSC - Induction Program for F.Y.B.Sc. and F.Y.B......
(click to view all)

General Rules and Regulation

To run an organization successfully & efficiently certain principles are required. These rules & regulation are serve as a guide to the reader are also instrumental in acquiring the readers as to kind of service which the library is capable of providing to them.

All the students are hereby informed that the following rules are to be observed in the library strictly.


  •  All persons using the Library are subject to the discipline of the College.
  • The students or staff members sitting in library should sit in disciplined manner. Do not sit in obscene posture in the library.
  • Library has separate sitting arrangement for boys and girls and no student should overrule this arrangement in any manner. The boys and girl students should occupy respective seats reserved for them in the reading room and keep strict silence.
  • No entry inside the counter without prior permission of the counter staff.
  • The books issued for home reading from library must be returned on due date put up on date slip behind the book. If the same book is required again for the next week, then student must renew the book on the due date itself.
  • If the book is not returned in time, the student is required to pay fine as per the college rules.
  • If any student lost a library book should meet the Librarian immediately, before taking any further action against the student.
  • Handle the books carefully and do not mutilate them in any way. No book may be written in, defaced or damaged. No user, when writing, may place writing paper on any book belonging to the Library, or make any mark in the book, or do anything that might cause damage to any such book.
  • If any student fails to return the books even after sending reminder, a very strict action will be taken against that student.
  • The library reading room furniture should be used in proper manner. Do not write or stick anything on the tables or chairs or any furniture. No person may misuse furniture, fittings, notices or equipment, nor deface them or any other College property.
  • Students should maintain discipline while sitting in the reading room & should not make noise or talk among each other in the library. No discussion is allowed in the library reading room. Mobile telephones must be switched off whilst in the Library and must not use noisy calculators. In order to avoid disturbance to other users, quiet and good order must be maintained in the Library at all times. Talking or discussion of any kind is not allowed in library reading room. The library reading room is only for the self-study. Standing in the reading room area for any purpose is not allowed.
  • Completing Journals, homework , assignments strictly not allowed in the library , except preparing notes from texts or reference books.
  • Taking snacks, lunch etc. in the reading room is prohibited. Eating in the library reading room is not allowed. Students are not allowed to eat in the library. Library staff may ask users to remove food and drink from the Library at any time.
  • The reference books are not allowed to take out of the library for any purpose. Keep the belongings aside and carry only a pen and a notebook inside the reference counter.
  • Books are the wealth & library is pride of our college. Students should not torn the pages or should not mark or write on the books or periodicals. They should return the books in proper condition and in time. The students, who do not follow the rules, remain on the black list of the library and the library does not like to give any kind of services to such students.
  • The students can give recommendations for the books for their study purposes, any time during the academic year to the Librarian. If the books recommended by students are available in Library, then the information about those books will be put up on the notice board. If the book is not available in Library then we will try to purchase that book if the funds are available for that subject, and the Head of the Department of that subject permits so.
  • The notice board should be read regularly, as the information about various courses and book lists are displayed on the board. Library also has material on vocational courses.
  • The Internet facility is available in Library strictly for educational purpose from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00pm.
  • All the students are required to strictly adhered to the above rules and cooperate with the library staff for smooth functioning of the library. The Librarian has authority to maintain order in the Library and may at his/her discretion either exclude from the use of the Library for a period of up to six weeks or recommends other appropriate action against any user who knowingly or persistently breaks any Library regulation.
  • Library books and personal items left unattended at user places for long periods may be removed by Library staff. 
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