Rules Regarding Refund of Fees
Under Graduate Courses:
Rules regarding refund of fees in case of cancellation of admission are applicable as per University norms (University Circular No. UG/412 of 2008 dated 11th Sept 2008).
Table-1: Fee Deduction on cancellation of admission

Note: * All candidates applying for admission cancellation should note that for all admission cancellation purpose --commencement of Academic Term will be applicable for 2019-20 is from 06th June, 2019.
Ordinance 2859 of University of Mumbai
Refund of Tuition, Development and all other fees after cancellation of admissions:
The candidates who have taken admission in under graduate courses in Govt. colleges, in Govt. aided and unaided courses conducted by affiliated colleges, and recognised Institutions may request for refund of fees after applying in writing for cancellation of their admission to the course. The refund of fees as applicable shall be made on or before 30th day after the date of cancellation and thereafter. The percentage of fee for the course shall be refunded to the candidate after deducting charges as follows:
The total amount considered for the refund of fees from the commencement of academic term of the courses includes the following:
(i) All the fee items chargeable for one year are as per relevant University circulars for different Faculties (excluding the courses for which the total amount is fixed by other competent authorities).
(ii) The fee charged towards group insurance and all fee components to be paid as University share (including Vice-Chancellor fund, University fee for sports and cultural activities, E-charge, disaster management fund, exam fee and Enrollment fee) are non-refundable.
(iii) Fee collected for Identity card and Library card, admission form and prospectus, enrollment and any other course specific fee are not refundable after the commencement of the academic term.
All refundable deposits (Laboratory, Caution Money and Library etc.) shall be fully returned when a student leaves the college or cancels the admission on production of original fee receipt. Deposits not claimed within one year of leaving the college or cancellation of admission will be forfeited.
For the students who are leaving the college after completion of studies, schedule for the refund of deposit will be put up on the college notice board after the declaration of the University result of the relevant course. For those students who cancel their admission in the middle of the course, the amounts of deposits will be refunded to the student after 30 days from the date of receipt of their application duly signed by student and NOC from departments concerned.
Post Graduate Courses:
Vide University Circular UG/ 253 OF 1996.
The registration fees once paid for the PG course will not be refunded for any reason.
The Tuition fee paid by the candidate for the course in which he/she is registered as a PG student will be refunded to him/her if he/she leaves the said course without attending any lectures, seminars or practical, subject to a deduction of 25% of the tuition fee. The application by the candidate for such refund will only be entrained if it is received by the Principal/Registrar/Head of Department within Fifteen days of the date of commencement of the lectures of the academic year in which the fees is paid.
The Tuition fee paid by the candidate for the course in which he/she is registered as a PG student will be refunded to him/her if he/she leaves the said course and joins another course of this University for which he/she applied at the same University admission is made later, subject to a deduction of 25% of the tuition fee.
Students belonging to reserved category are eligible for fee concession. Those who are desirous of availing such facility should produce Caste Certificate duly certified by the government authority at the time of admission and should fill the prescribed Government free-ship / scholarship form with necessary documents within the due date on notification by the college and relevant notice for the same will be circulated in the Classrooms as well as will be displayed in the Notice Board. Those students who fail to fill the form in time are liable to pay the full fees.